
Roma Cinema Fest MIA

Datakal StarBase team proudly presents a new web platform created for MIA Rome. MIA is the new International Audiovisual Market. You can check MIA web pages at http://www.miamarket.it/.

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Roma Cinema Fest Filmguide

We are happy to present a new Roma Cinema Fest 2015 Filmprogram. Please check our new Filmguide at https://filmguide.romacinemafest.org/en/program.

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Filmbazaar India

We are happy to announce a new collaboration between Filmbazaar India and Datakal StarBase team. Latest version of Datakal StarBase will be implemented together with brand new web platform. We are looking forward to this cooperation.

You can find more info about festival at http://www.filmbazaarindia.com.

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Soundtrack Cologne - See the Sound

Soundtrack Cologne team and Datakal has began with the implementation of latest Datakal StarBase solution. You can find more about festival at http://www.soundtrackcologne.de.

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Braunschweig International Film Festival

Braunschweig Filmfest and Starbase team this year are collaborating at the implementation and adaptation of the newest version of Datakal Starbase solution for the festival management, processes and events. More about the festival you can see here

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Festival of Czech Films, Pilsen, Czech RepublicFestival of Czech Films, Pilsen, Czech Republic
Smetanovske dny, Music Festival, Pilsen, Czech RepublicSmetanovske dny, Music Festival, Pilsen, Czech Republic

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